Wednesday 26 October 2011

Blog looks a bit off, but oh well

When the images were uploaded to this site, the first few overflow into the side column.
If you click on them tho, it's fine.

The changes we have to make are this:
The story is now set in a bookstore, not a library - this gives the worm more motivation to get off of the table.
We need to speed up the beginning: The bookworm will start off awake chewing a page, then as the last books are removed, he'll be left with a hanging scrap in his mouth - the scrap bearing our title.


Showed our storyboard in class yesterday, so I thought I'd post it here.
Needs some changing now though.

Monday 24 October 2011


Oh, and we came up with the title 'Byte' :-)

LogBook Notes

Although we're delayed posting on the blog, we've been taking a Logbook of each of our actions, so so as not to waste reams and reams of time making extra blog posts, here's the LogBook so far:

28th Sept: Got into groups - Wesley, Eva, Kim
29th Sept: Things to change about our story- Change the conflict and ending from a worm finding a book and consciously choosing to become a virus and instead becoming one by a freak accident.
30th Sept: Jury day - It went well :-)
1st Oct: Stickynoted our story in class, and filmed our Live-action version at home.
2nd Oct: Started putting the live action film together in premiere.
3rd Oct: Film is 1:39 - Bit short, but collected a few sounds effects.
4th Oct: Sound is put onto the Live-action. Jeremy says we need more, and some music.
Recorded some sounds effects and put them in, added more shots and tweaked some others from out storyboard. Also did some research into 2D and 3D mixtures.
5th Oct: Finished the Sticky noted storyboard again, reshot all the shots we'd need to make it work and showed it to Jeremy and Steve in class - Steve liked it, although we still need to think up a good title.
6th Oct: Research
7th Oct: Edited the live action again. Did some development on worm, environment and prop designs.
10th Oct: Redid some shots, added in more sounds effects and added music.
11th Oct: Had a tutorial with Jeremy - He likes our Live Action. Needs only slight tweaks, and now needs to be slowly replaced with the animatic, scene by scene.
12th Oct: Designed the Storyboard Design Sheet in Photoshop.
17th Oct: Finished final Sticky Note storyboard.
22nd Oct: Worked on Presentation Storyboard
23rd Oct: Worked on Presentation Storyboard
24th Oct: Worked on Presentation Storyboard - Began Blog.

Will try to update this more regularly...

Byte - 3rd Year Project

Byte - 3rd Year Project
We've been a bit delayed with all the hub-bub of starting all our projects, so haven't gotten around to starting a Blog yet - so here's us starting it :-)

Our Project is about a Bookworm who finds himself in the Digital Age and must adapt to survive.
Our group members are Eva Chang (3D), Kim Gurhy (2D) and Wesley Hansford (3D).
Our aim is to make it in a mixture of 3D and 2D, using 3D to make the character and basic backgrounds, but then to augment these with 2D elements to create an interesting and unique style.

Eva is our Technical Developer.
Kim is our Look Developer.
Wesley is our Story Developer.